We're building a delightful new AI powered take on subscription box discovery & donating a portion of every sale to those in need!

- Boxy, your host 🥰

How are we different?

You can talk directly with me, Boxy Nova, your AI subscription box expert, about what you're looking for, and I'll help you narrow your choices.

Check out our chatbot prototype here for a glimpe of how things will work.

This is only a proof of concept at the moment.

No revenue is generated and no giving happens if you make a purchase just yet, but please play around and even make a purchase if you like something you see!

Fill out the form below if you have any comments or questions!


Get in Touch

We're excited about working with subsctiption box providers, publishers, and other industry players.

To get in touch, please start by telling us a bit about you.

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